"How I Lost 50 Pounds"

In this video, Brent talks about how he transformed his body - dropping from 247 to 197 pounds! (Since recording this video in October 2018, nearly a year ago, he's dropped another 10 pounds to reach the BMI's "normal" goal weight of 187 pounds for a full 60 pounds lost!)

Here he walks you through the insights gained, steps taken, and lifestyle changes made that enabled him to become a better version of himself.

The key takeaways from his experience:

1. Eat the foods that are good for you.

  • It’s true; you are what you eat. Eat the right stuff, and you’ll be healthy. Eat the wrong stuff, and you won’t be. When armed with the facts, it’s much easier to make the right diet decisions.
  • Here’s a link to our list of 19 Foods To Eat For Optimum Health.
  • We will continue to discuss this topic over time in our videos and Facebook posts to help you commit the right foods to memory and make them help you make eating these foods part of your routine.
2. Avoid the foods that are bad for you.
  • Here’s a link to our list of 15 Foods You Must Stop Eating.
  • And over time - through email updates, Facebook posts, and YouTube videos - we’ll share with you even more reasons why you should avoid these foods.
  • When you know what to avoid and why, it’s much easier to make the right food decisions.
3. Practice Time-Restricted Eating.
  • While the practice is typically called "Intermittent Fasting," a vague expression, Time-Restricted Eating considers when you eat just as important as what you eat.  
  • In short, aim to eat in an 8-hour window 5+ days a week - start with eating between 8am and 8pm and then work toward eating between noon and 8pm. Reducing that window from, say, noon to 6pm increases your body's time in a "fasted state" further still.
  • We’ll provide you with more insight on this other posts. This is a game-changer for you in more ways than just for your waistline!

Easier said than done, right? With knowledge, it wasn't hard as I thought it'd be. To see my full story, you can watch it on YouTube here.